Since over 15 years, MCAudioLab designs and hand-builds professional audio equipment
The tone and the quality of our equipment comes from an open mind about audio design and intelligent circuit layout as well as high quality components and keeping things small enough to offer both great prices and direct contact with our users.
Tone and performance
Tone and audio performance are the only things we don’t discuss. When designing a unit, we need to choose the right design and components to achieve tone and character when needed, and pristine audio performance to meet modern professional audio production standards. We painstakingly design audio paths to be as short as possible. If a component gets us the tone we’re after, we’ll use it. We choose components and design solutions for their quality and functionality, not for the sake of name dropping. Every single component is carefully selected, compared with others and tested. This guarantees our gear provides top level audio quality while minimizing unwanted artifacts and noise.
Our units are designed to sound great for a lifetime. They are all hand-built and tested in-house with top quality components, so the chance we won’t be able to service them in the future are close to none.
You pay what you get
When you purchase a MCAudioLab product, you’re paying for design, high quality components, extensive testing and just enough for us to keep on designing great stuff. We’re happy to be the small guys: this means a lower price for you and keeping a direct contact with our customers.
We care about clarity and avoid marketing blurb: we won’t try to talk you into buying something that’s not what you’re looking for. We believe word of mouth is a powerful way to spread the word around, but it only works if we’re able to interact with customers in a transparent and honest way.
If you have any special requests for a custom product or a variation on a stock unit, we’ll be happy to help you out. And once you’ve become a MCAudioLab user, your feedback is precious to keep us getting better. Contact us if you have any suggestions on requests, or just share tips and tricks on how to get the best out of your gear. And in the unlikely case you encounter any problems, we’re here to help you out: your MCAudioLab product will be constantly supported.